100 Days of Code

Day 30: Continued working on the Etch a Sketch project. Now I'm able to get the hover affect to be permanent which allows the trail to be left, resembling a sketch as drawn out with a pen. I also a...
Day 29: Started working on the Etch a Sketch project from The Odin Project Foundations course. I created the grid and changed hover color. Currently I'm not able to get the hover affect to stay.
Day 28: I worked through the CSS Variables project from #JavaScript30 by Wes Bos. I then applied the skills I'd learned from the first 3 tutorials to my own projects. I also completed functionality...
Days 26-27 of Code: Worked through the ES6 JavaScript course from freeCodeCamp. I also worked on JS and CSS Clock project from #JavaScript30 by Wes Bos. Utilizing both of these resources were a gre...
Days 23-25: Worked on CSS Flexbox exercises 6 & 7 from the Foundations Odin Project course. I also completed the mockup for the Landing Page project. It still needs a little more work which I will ...
Days 21-22: Worked through exercises 3, 4, and 5 on CSS Flexbox of The Odin Project Foundations course.
Day 20: Worked through the first part of the CSS Flexbox of The Odin Project Foundations course. I completed the first two exercises.
Day 19: Completed CSS Foundations section of The Odin Project Foundations course. I learned about the Box Model including Margin, Padding, and Borders as well as Block and Inline content. I applied...
Days 17-18: Worked on the CSS Foundations section of The Odin Project Foundations course. I completed CSS exercises 1-6 and added CSS to my recipe project website.
Days 11-16: Attempted Revisiting Rock Paper Scissors Game for the Odin Project Foundations course. I had some trouble finding a working solution. I decided to come back to this project in the futur...
Days 9-10: Worked on the DOM Manipulation and Events lesson from The Odin Project Foundations course
Days 5-8: Worked through Building your own Developer Porfolio article on freeCodeCamp Started a personal project on creating restaurant website
Day 4: Completed the remaining exercises of the Fundamentals 4 lesson
Day 3: Completed the first three exercises from the Fundamentals 4 lesson of The Odin Project Foundation course
Day 2: Completed the Rock Paper Scissors Game for the Odin Project Foundations course. Turns out I forgot to include a default case, when there is a draw/tie!
Day 1: Today I started #100DaysofCode. I worked on the JavaScript Basics section of The Odin Project Foundations course. I started on the first project which is creating a Rock Paper Scissors Game....